[Seventeen] Young, contemporary Korean lyrics in Seventeen's song, "Very NICE"

Recently, my favorite Korean TV show is 'My Little Television' on MBC.
One day when I watched an episode of My Little Television in which the singer and leader of rock band, Jang Gi-ha featured, he mentioned that he tries his best to write beautiful lyrics using Korean words and to avoid using too many English or foreign words. Especially, he thinks, "Songs start from words. Lyrics should be delivered clearly to listeners. For that, singers should sing like the way they speak in the daily life."

(Source: http://drz.co.kr/)

Here is the link to Youtube video of Jang Gi-ha's My Little Television episode.
(At first, he mentioned about his girl friend, the most famous K-pop solo female artist, IU. Then, he mentioned something about how to write lyrics.)

If you want to read the interview with Chang Gi-ha about his thoughts on how to write good lyrics in Korean, please go:

(Interview is written in Korean)

When I heard from Jang Gi-ha that singers should sing like the way they actually speak for a clear delivery of lyrics, that reminded me of Seventeen's recent song, 'Very Nice.'

I was not that familiar with this K-pop boy band before I listened to their song, <Mansae>. I thought it is a very cute, cheerful song with the catchy tune. Moreover, their dance choreography was well blended into the meaning of lyrics. 'Mansae', which means of 'Hooray' in Korean is a good lyric to express a young boy's feeling thrilled when his crush is finally paying attention to him. The dance move for this part of the chorus is same as the posture of hooraying, which I think very clever and cute.

The most clever thing about the lyrics of Mansae is from 1:44 to 1:51 of this video, which borrows the lyrics and melody from the Korean children's game, 'The roses of Sharon have blossomed."

(Source: http://blog.naver.com/3548664/220474879048)

Here is the lyric:

너라는 꽃이 피었습니다 (A flower called you has blossomed)
너라는 꽃을 바라보니까 (I'm only looking at a flower called you)
들었다 놨다 하지 맙시다 애가 타니까 (So don't play games with me Because I am getting anxious)

This part is a little twist of the traditional children's game, by imitating the tone and rhythm of singing "The roses of Sharon has blossomed." BTW, the roses of Sharon is Korea's national flower.

In their next single, <Very Nice>, the cleverness of Seventeen's lyrics became more advanced. 

Here are some parts of the lyrics of <Very Nice> that I consider very trendy, contemporary and reflective of teenagers' spoken Korean nowadays.

1. First, the line '너에게 가는 길은 꽃길이 되고 (The way to you becomes a flowery)' is using one of the most recent popular expressions to wish someone (mostly favorite pop stars) for good luck among young fans - "꽃길만 걷게 해 줄게 (I will make you walk only the flowery way)" or "꽃길만 걸으소서 (May you walk only the flowery way!)". 
오늘 날씬 너를 많이 닮아
너에게 가는 길은 꽃길이 되고
보일 듯 말듯한 네 마음 보인다면 
(온몸이 간질간질 두근두근)
이 기분은 뭐야 어떡해
Today’s weather resembles you a lot
The way to you becomes a flowery
If I can catch a glimpse of your elusive heart
(My whole body is itching and beating)
What is this sensation, what do I do
2. '아주 NICE (Very NICE)' part also resembles the actual way of speaking in Korean. Here, the word 'NICE' is written in English and capitals. The English word, 'NICE' is a better choice than the Korean word '좋아 (nice),' in this context to emphasize the feeling of gratification. 
3. Although it's hard to tell in the English translation, the end of each sentence in the following part is a good example of adolescents' way of speaking in Korean. The ending word of each sentence, '같애,' is pronounced as 'ga-tae' and it means 'it seems like', if you literally translate it into English. The correct way of writing this word is '같아' and it should be pronounced as 'ga-ta.' It is a conjugated form of the verb, '같다 (seem, look like)' for the informal use. However, people tend to use the former more frequently than the latter in the spoken Korean. 
뭐 하나 물어볼게
꿈에서도 너가 둥둥 떠 다닐 것 같애? (맞아)
멋진 남자 되고파 Fitness 끊은 것 같애? (맞아)
연애가 첨이라 내가 긴장할 것 같애?
너가 나의 모든 의문점에 대한 정답인 것 같애
Let me ask you something
Do you think you would float around in a dream too? (Yes)
Do you think I got a gym membership so I can become a handsome guy? (Yes)
Do you think I’m nervous because this is my first romance?
I think you are the answer to all of my questions
Overall, I can conclude that Seventeen's <Very NICE> is a good example of writing a beautiful and trendy Korean lyrics which reflects the actual way of speaking in the daily life. 

[Big Bang] Made album - CD with autographs of all BB members!

My dear friend J is a marketer working in South Korea. I met her recently in Budapest and she gave me a very special gift...Bing Bang's "Made" album CD, with the autographs of all BB members!

She recently worked with the YG trainee, Kim Jisoo (a member of the future girl group from YG) for a mobile game commercial and a manager from YG gave this CD to J. "Made" album is not yet released for the public. It will come in September 2015 with new singles in August and September, adding to the other singles from May to July 2015.

J also worked with EXO several times for EXO's web drama, "EXO lives next door (2015)"...I heard a few episodes and behind the scene stories about "EXO lives next door" from her. So, please stay tuned for my next posting about EXO!


[Film Coréen] L'hôte (2006) et le virus MERS en Corée du Sud

Ceci est une affiche du film coréen, "L'hôte (2006 )" par Bong Joon-Ho, un de mes réalisateurs préférés. Il est bien connu des téléspectateurs internationales pour son récent film, "Le Transpercenige (2013)," avec célèbres stars comme Chris Evans , Ed Harris, John Hurt, Tilda Swinton, Octavia Spencer, Jamie Bell, etc. Cependant, en Corée du Sud, ses anciens films tels que "The Host (2006 ), " "La Mère (2009 )" et "Les Memories of Meurtre (2003) " sont beaucoup plus aimés parce qu'ils saisissent l'essence de la culture unique de la société coréenne et la montrent bien à la façon comique, sarcastique, chaude et douce-amère.

(Official trailer of "the Host")

"L'hôte" est une sorte de film de monstre, mais il n'est pas de film typique. Un jour, à Séoul, la capitale de la Corée du Sud, un énorme monstre apparaît soudainement dans la Han. Ce monstre provoque chaos et tue les gens. Les gens de Séoul sont effrayés par le monstre, mais le gouvernement et la police incapable ne peuvent pas résoudre la situation. Au contraire, ils créent même plus peur aux gens. Au cours d'une messe de funérailles pour les victimes du monstre, les représentants du gouvernement et de l'armée américaine arrivent. Ils mettent en quarantaine avec force tous ceux qui ont été en contact direct avec le monstre. Le gouvernement coréen annonce que le monstre est l'hôte d'un virus mortel inconnue, donc, ils devraient mettre en quarantaine les citoyens touchés. Au cours de ce processus, les citoyens sont maltraités comme un virus et la menace potentielle pour la santé des autres. 

Malheureusement, il n'est plus de synopsis du film. Il se passe maintenant en Corée du Sud.

(Source: http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/mers-virus-outbreak-who-south-korean-experts-call-for-schools-to-be-reopened-1.3107300)

Maintenant, la plus grande préoccupation de tout le monde en Corée du Sud est l'épidémie du virus MERS (syndrome respiratoire Moyen-Orient). Le MERS est un type de corona-virus qui provoque des infections respiratoires. Les chameaux sont soupçonnés d'être la principale source d'infections pour les humains (Source: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-32919416). Il n'y a pas de remède connu ni vaccin contre ce virus. La chose la plus effrayante est que, en Arabie Saoudite, le taux de la MERS de mortalité est de 41%, selon les données de l'année dernière. La flambée des MERS en Corée du Sud est un gros problème dans le monde entier, car il est le premier temps que le MERS a causé une grande épidémie en dehors de l'Arabie Saoudite.

En mai, un homme d'affaires de 68 ans qui avait voyagé à travers le Moyen-Orient est revenu à Séoul et a développé les symptômes de MERS. Il a visité plusieurs hôpitaux, mais personne ne se doutait qu'il pourrait avoir le MERS, sauf un médecin qui avait lu un article de journal sur le MERS. Ainsi, le médecin et la famille du patient ont demandé un examen du MERS aux Centres de Corée pour Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) mais KCDC a refusé leur demande parce qu'il n'y avait pas eu de cas du MERS dans le pays. En conséquence, le patient initial n'a pas été diagnostiqué pendant des semaines. Il était le “Super-spreader (le patient super-infecté).” 22 juillet 2015, 36 étaient morts, 186 sont diagnostiqués, 3 sont mis en quarantaine à cause du MERS en Corée du Sud. La situation a commencé avec une seule personne, mais il est devenu sévère à cause du système désorganisé et irresponsables dans le gouvernement et les hôpitaux.

(Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/06/world/asia/south-korea-mers-virus-st-marys-hospital.html)

Beaucoup de monde disent que la situation actuelle est remarquablement similaire à la situation dans le film, « L'hôte». Il est très triste et déchirante que, bien que le temps a passé, la situation  n’est pas beaucoup change dans la société coréenne. Au contraire, je peux dire que cela a empiré dans de nombreux aspects.

à propos, savez-vous comment le monstre a été créé dans le film? Il est créé par l'incident que le camp militaire américain à Séoul déversé plus de 200 bouteilles de produits chimiques toxiques dans les drains menant à la rivière Han. Il est basé sur une histoire vraie. En 2000, le camp militaire américain à Yongsan a déversé plus de 20 boîtes de formaldéhyde dans un drain menant à la rivière Han, mais personne n'a été puni pour ça.
(Source: http://jurgenfauth.com/2006/10/05/the-host/)

Alors que toute la nation est préoccupé par le virus MERS, un incident choquant est oublié. Récemment, un laboratoire de l'armée américaine dans l'Utah a envoyé des échantillons de spores d'anthrax en direct à la base aérienne de Osan à Pyeongtaek, juste au sud de Séoul, ainsi que des laboratoires militaires et commerciaux dans neuf États américains par accident. L'antrax, un agent biologique mortel, devait être tué avant d'être distribués pour la recherche. Dans la base militaire américaine en Corée du Sud, environ 22 personnels civils et militaires "peuvent avoir été exposés (à la bactérie). Secrétaire américain à la Défense, Ashton Carter, a présenté ses excuses pour le transport illicite d'un échantillon de l'anthrax en direct à la base militaire américaine en Corée du Sud. Mais,  "pourquoi ont-ils envoient l'échantillon de l'anthrax en Corée du Sud?" Le ministère américain de la Défense a expliqué que l'échantillon était destiné à «défendre les gens coréens en testant actuellement l'équipement mis en service et de nouveaux systèmes qui pourraient mieux identifier les toxines et les agents pathogènes dans l'environnement.>> Mais, je ne sais pas s’il est OK que nous devrions permettre à la l'armée américaine pour tester leurs armes en nuisant potentiellement à la santé des gens coréens.

(Source: http://www.koreaobserver.com/u-s-apologizes-for-wrong-anthrax-shipment-to-south-korea-29395/)

J'ai pensé à ce sujet pendant des semaines et j’ai hésité à écrire à ce sujet sur mon blog, car il est difficile de l'expliquer d'une manière simple. Il y a tellement beaucoup de problèmes socials et culturels dans l'épidémie du MERS. Cependant, je ne peux pas garder le silence quand les gens sont souffert de virus et le jugement des autres. Je ne peux pas supporter la stupidité du système social qui est inutile pour prévenir  les événement tragiques. Je souhaite que le MERS disparaisse bientôt en Corée du Sud et nous puissions apprendre une leçon de cette situation.

(Mise à jour: Le gouvernement coréen a récemment annoncé que l'épidémie du MERS serait résilié après le milieu de Août 2015.)

[Korean Movie] "The Host" (2006) and the MERS virus in S. Korea (2015)

This is a movie poster of the Korean film, "The Host (2006)" by one of my favorite movie directors, Bong Joon-ho. He is well-known to the Western viewers because of his recent film "Snowpiercer (2013)," in which famous international movie stars such as Chris Evans, Ed Harris, John Hurt, Tilda Swinton, Octavia Spencer, Jamie Bell and others acted. However, in Korea, his old films such as "The Host (2006)," "Mother (2009)" and "Memories of Murder (2003)" are much more loved because they grasp the essence of the unique culture of the modern Korean society and show it well in the utterly bittersweet yet comical, sarcastic but warm ways. 

(Official trailer of "the Host")

The Host is a sort of monster movie but not a typical monster movie. One day in Seoul, the capital of South Korea, a huge monster suddenly appears in the Han River. This monster causes chaos and kills people. People in Seoul are frightened by the monster but the incapable government and police can't solve the situation. Rather, they even create more fear to the citizens. During a mass funeral for the victims of the monster, government representatives and the American military arrive and forcefully quarantine all those who have been in direct contact with the monster. The Korean government announces that the monster is the host of a deadly, unknown virus, therefore they should quarantine the affected citizens. During this process, the citizens are mistreated like a virus itself and accused as the potential threat to others' health. 

(Plot found in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Host_(2006_film) 

Sadly, it's not just a plot of the old movie. It is happening now in South Korea. 

(Source: http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/mers-virus-outbreak-who-south-korean-experts-call-for-schools-to-be-reopened-1.3107300)

Now, the biggest concern of everybody in South Korea is the outbreak of the MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) virus. The MERS is a type of corona-virus which causes respiratory infections and camels are suspected to be the primary source of infections for humans (Source: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-32919416)There is no known cure or vaccine for this virus. The most scary thing is that, in Saudi Arabia, the mortality rate from the MERS is 41% according to the last year's data. The outbreak of the MERS in South Korea is a big issue in the world since it is the first time MERS has caused a big outbreak outside of Saudi Arabia. 

In May, a 68-year-old businessman who had been traveling throughout the Middle East returned to Seoul and developed the MERS symptoms. He visited several hospitals several times but no one suspected that he might have the MERS, except for one doctor who had read an journal article about the MERS. So, the doctor and the patient's family asked for the MERS testing several times to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) but the KCDC refused their request because there had been no previous case of the MERS in the country. As a result, the initial patient had not been diagnosed for weeks and he was diagnosed with the virus only on May 20th. He was the superspreader and as of June 19th, 2015, 24 were dead, 166 are diagnosed, 5,930 are quarantined because of the MERS in South Korea. The current situation started with only one person, but became severe due to the surprisingly unorganized system and irresponsible people in the government and hospitals.

(Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/06/world/asia/south-korea-mers-virus-st-marys-hospital.html)

Many people say that the current situation is remarkably similar with the situation in the movie,'The Host.' It is very sad and heartbreaking that, although time has passed, not many things are changed in the Korean society. Rather, I can say that it became worse in many aspects.

BTW, do you know how the monster was created in the movie? It's created by the incident that the US military camp in Seoul dumped over 200 bottles of toxic chemicals down a drain leading into the Han River. It is based on a real story. In 2000, US military camp in Yongsan dumped over 20 boxes of formaldehyde down a drain leading into the Han river, but no one was punished. 
(Source: http://jurgenfauth.com/2006/10/05/the-host/)

While the whole nation is concerned about the MERS virus, one shocking incident is forgotten. Recently, a U.S. military laboratory in Utah sent samples of live anthrax spores to the Osan Air Base in Pyeongtaek, just south of Seoul, as well as military and commercial laboratories in nine U.S. states by accident. The deadly biological agent was supposed to be killed before being distributed for research. In the U.S. military base in South Korea, some 22 civilian and military personnel “may have been exposed (to the bacteria). US Defense Secretary, Ashton Carter apologized for the wrongful shipment of a live anthrax sample to the US military base in South Korea, but it is still questionable, "why did they send the anthrax sample to South Korea?" Although the US Defense Department explained that the sample was meant to "defend the Korean people by testing currently fielded equipment and new systems that could better identify toxins and pathogens in the environment,” I don't know up to which level we should allow the US military to test their weapons by potentially harming the Korean people's health. 

(Source: http://www.koreaobserver.com/u-s-apologizes-for-wrong-anthrax-shipment-to-south-korea-29395/)

I've been thinking about this issue for weeks and hesitant to write about it on my blog because it 's hard to explain it in a simple way. There are so many social and cultural issues involved in the current MERS outbreak.  However, I just can't be silent when people are suffered from the virus and others' judgment. I just can't stand the stupidity of the social system which is of no use in preventing the same tragic event from happening again and again. Hope the outbreak of the MERS will disappear soon in South Korea and we can learn a lesson from this situation. 

[Big Bang] Les Costumes et Les Danses Coréens dans la M/V de 'Bae Bae'

Un groupe d'idole populaire coréen, Big Bang a publié une nouvelle chanson, <Bae Bae> et sa vidéo de musique le 30 Avril, 2015.

Comme vous le savez, les costumes traditionnels coréens que les filles portent dans cette M/V, ils s'appellent "Han-Bok."

Bien sûr, ils ne sont pas de formes très traditionnelles, mais modernisé pour l'atmosphère plus sexy.

Dans cette M/V, TOP (rappeur et acteur célèbre en Corée) flirte avec une fille, en soulevant sa jupe de hanbok.

Si vous ne connaissez pas la danse du masque traditionnel coréen, <Haehoe Masque Danse Drame Performance (Hahoe byeolsingut talnori)>, vous pouvez trouver qu'il est un peu pervers. Mais le jeu de TOP dans cette scène semble être influencée par le même acte dans <Haehoe Masque Danse Performance>, qui critique les actes immoraux du noble corrompu durant la dynastie Joseon.

(source: http://myter.tistory.com/175)

Si vous voulez en savoir plus à propos de <Hahoe Masque Danse Drame Performance>, aller à l'adresse suivante: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hahoe_byeolsingut_talnori

De plus, il est une autre danse intéressant dans la scène de Bae Bae. Les membres de Big Bang dansent avec les danseuses pendant le refrain et les mouvements de danse sont très SEXY. G-Dragon (le chef du Big Bang, rappeur, compositeur et l'icône de la mode en Corée) a récemment admis que, pour ce mouvement de danse, il a été inspirés par la «Danse du jeu avec le feu> par les comédiens, Park Myungsoo et Jung Joonha de l'émission coréenne, <Infinite Challenge>.

(Source: http://tenasia.hankyung.com/archives/532858)

Je ne sais pas si vous connaissez déjà ces comédiens. Ils sont très célèbres en Corée du Sud et apparaissent sur la M/V de la chanson <Gentleman> par Psy.

(Source: http://voluptas.tistory.com/110)

Eh bien, la «danse du jeu avec le feu» est certainement pour les téléspectateurs adultes, mais il y a un mouvement de danse très mignon dans Bae Bae. Je l'aime beaucoup et c'est sûr un movement de danse pour tous les âges. 

De 02:42 de la M/V pour les paroles suivantes:

Comme des gâteaux de riz, comme des gâteaux de riz
Notre alchimie, notre alchimie, 
Comme des gâteaux de riz, comme des gâteaux de riz 
Notre alchimie, notre alchimie
Ce mouvement de danse me rappelle de la «Danse des Petits Mariés> que je jouais avec des garçons dans les sportives réunions d'automne pendant mes jours d'école primaire. Si mignon!

Mais il n'est pas la première fois que GD danse comme le petit marié avec son partenaire. Il a participé à la <Infinite Challenge Music Festival> en 2013. À ce moment-là , GD et son partenaire Jung Hyungdon, ils ont joué la danse des petits mariés pour leur chanson, "(Je) Vais essayer (해 볼라고).'


Donc, je pense que les traditionnels mouvements de danse peuvent GD ou les chorégraphes de danse dans sa compagnie, YG interesser beaucoup  ... Ou, je peux dire qu'ils sont très bons à modifier les mouvements anciens pour leurs chansons très tendance afin qu'ils peut créer une sensation unique de rétro-futuriste pour la scène.

Eh bien .... il est mon premier écrit dans mon blog. Il a fallu plus de temps et plus d'efforts que je m'y attendais. J'avais plus à dire, mais peut-être c'est assez pour la première fois. À bientôt!


[Big Bang] Bae Bae M/V and Korean Costumes and Dances

One of the most popular Korean male idol groups, Big Bang released a new single, 'Bae Bae' and its music video on April 30, 2015


As you may know, girls in this M/V are in the traditional Korean costume, Han-bok.

Of course, it's not a very traditional shape but modernized for the sexier feel. 

In this M/V, Top (Big Bang's rapper and famous movie actor now in Korea) flirts with a girl by lifting her Hanbok skirt. 

If you don't know the Korean traditional mask dance, 'Haehoe Mask Dance Drama Performance (Hahoe byeolsingut talnori), you may find it a little pathetic. But Top's playing in this scene seems to be influenced by the same act in the traditional mask dance performance, which criticizes the corrupted Nobleman's immoral acts during the Chosun Dynasty. 

(source: http://myter.tistory.com/175)

If you want to know more about Hahoe Mask Dance Drama Performance, go to the following link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hahoe_byeolsingut_talnori

Also, there is another interesting dance in the Bae Bae stage. Big Bang members dance with female dancers during the chorus and the dance moves are quite S.E.X.Y. G-Dragon (leader of Big Bang, rapper, composer and the leading fashion icon in Korea) recently admitted that, for this dance move, they were inspired by the 'Dance of Playing with Fire' by the comedians, Park Myungsoo and Jung Joonha from the Korean top reality/variety show, 'Infinite Challenge.' 

(Source: http://tenasia.hankyung.com/archives/532858)

I don't know if you already know these comedians. They are quite famous in South Korea and appear on Psy's Gentleman M/V as cameo.


(Source: http://voluptas.tistory.com/110)

Oh well, the 'dance of playing with fire' is definitely for adult viewers but there is a very cute dance move I like and it is safe to watch for the viewers of every age. 

This is from 2:42 of the M/V for the following lyrics: 

Like rice cakes, like rice cakes1
Our chemistry, our chemistry
Like rice cakes, like rice cakes
Our chemistry, our chemistry

(Source: http://www.kpoplyrics.net/big-bang-bae-bae-lyrics-english-romanized.html#ixzz3c6OgbbNJ)

This dance move reminds me of the 'Dance of Little Groom & Little Bride,' which I used to play with boys in the autumn athletic (sports) meetings during my elementary school days. So cute! 

But it's not the first time I see that GD is dancing as Little Groom with his partner. When he participated in the 'Infinite Challenge Music Festival' in 2013 (the Korean reality/variety show, 'Infinite Challenge' hosts the music festival every other year), he and his partner, comedian Jung Hyungdon played the dance of little groom and little bride for their song, 'Going to try'.


So, to me, it seems like that GD or his company YG dance choreographers are quite into the traditional dance moves...Or, I can say that at least they are very good at modifying old moves for their very trendy songs so that they can create a unique, retro-futuristic feel for the stage.    

Well....it's my first meaningful entry in my blog. It took longer time and more effort than I expected. I had more to say but maybe it's enough for the first time. Hope you enjoyed reading some background information of Bae Bae M/V and please wait for my next posting in French. See you!


My new project: About K-pop and Korean Culture

TV Rodin (Le Penseur), 1976-1978 by Nam June PAIK 

The picture of the sculpture above is called 'TV Rodin,' which was created by a legendary Korean video artist Nam June Paik and it is displayed in the Foundation of Louis Vuitton Museum in Paris. I took this picture when I visited the museum because I could relate myself to this art piece.

Bonjour and hi all, I am 'snowflake' and I'm a communication scholar and serious K-pop music listener. Before, I've worked as the strategy/service/business planner in the Social Network Service and Internet Portal service company in Korea. One of my favorite pastime activities is just roaming around on Youtube and checking out the comments under K-pop music videos. Because I'm a native Korean, I already know the music, artists and stories about those videos through the Korean media but I just enjoy reading what other K-pop listeners in the different places of the world think and feel about K-Pop music. Many times, I have felt like I would like to contribute to their understanding about Korean culture and broadening their knowledge about K-pop. But I just didn't have enough time to do that. Only recently, I became to think about starting my own project to share my thoughts and help other fellow K-Pop listeners and anyone who is interested in Korean music, cinema, food, society, culture etc. through blogging.

I know that there are already lots of useful resources in English to help K-pop fans. They have real-time translation of Korean media reports about music and artists, and many videos, images and all fancy items. Mine is not going to be like that. I don't want to add redundant information to the sea of K-Pop-related sites on the Web, but just want to add my own thoughts and probably random and silly, but interesting information to the existing information of K-Pop based on my own experience as the Internet service planner, communication scholar, music lover and global nomad (I've lived abroad more than 14 years). I listen not only to the music of K-Pop idol groups (boy or girl bands) but also the wide variety of genres in thw Korean music scene. So I hope I can introduce more unknown but very charming music in Korea to the global K-Pop fans.

One more thing. Since I currently live in France, I will also try to write posts in French. I'm still learning French so my French is just at the intermediate level but I feel like there are less information about K-pop in the European region so I'll try to write my blog in both English and French. Of course, if you know Korean, feel free to add any comment to my post in Korean. I'll be gladly communicating with you in three languages!

This is just a start and I don't know how it will go. But soon I'll update more information about Korean music so if you happen to read this post by chance, please come back to my blog and expect to read some new, different, and bizarre perspective regarding Korean pop cultures from Paris. :) à bientôt!

- snowflake
